Definition and meaning of catalogue in English

Verb Forms
1.To organize a list of items in a specific order; to document something for reference.
I need to catalogue all the books in the library to keep track of them.
The museum curator will catalogue the new artifacts for the upcoming exhibit.
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2.To create a list of items related to a specific person, event, or topic.
The librarian will catalogue all the new books that have arrived at the library.
The museum curator will catalogue the artifacts found during the archaeological dig.
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1.c1A catalogue is a detailed list of items, such as things you can see or purchase.
I found a catalogue of furniture online, so I could browse and choose what I wanted.
The bookstore had a catalogue of all the books they had in stock for customers to peruse.
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2.A list of events, typically unfortunate ones, that occur one after another.
The documentary presented a catalogue of natural disasters, from hurricanes to earthquakes and tsunamis.
The book provided a catalogue of historical battles, chronicling the conflicts that shaped our world.
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Word of the day

20 May 2024



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catalogue (verb)
catalogue (noun)

Word of the day

20 May 2024



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Importance of Understanding Vocabulary in Learning English

When you're learning English, it's really important to understand the meaning of each word. It's a key part of getting to grips with the language and using it effectively. Knowing lots of words helps you speak with confidence and understand what you're reading better. Plus, it's the first step to really getting into the language.

Taking the time to learn vocabulary properly from the beginning is a great way to start learning a new language. As you get better, you'll become more confident reading and understanding things in other languages.