Definition and meaning of hour in English

1.a1An hour is a unit of time that consists of 60 minutes. It is one of the 24 equal parts into which a day is divided.
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2.a2The noun form of Hour refers to a specific period of time, typically lasting around 60 minutes, that is designated for a specific purpose.
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3.a2The noun form of Hour refers to a specific duration when individuals work, or when an office is accessible.
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4.a2The noun form of Hour means a significant period of time that feels lengthy.
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5.The noun form of Hour refers to a specific moment or point in time.
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6.The noun form of Hour refers to the specific moment when something significant occurs.
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7.The noun form of Hour refers to the specific time when the clock shows exactly 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, and so on.
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8.The term Hour, as a noun, refers to the time displayed on a clock using the 24-hour system. It is commonly used in military or official contexts to indicate the specific time.
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Word of the day

30 April 2024



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