영어에서 elevate 의 정의와 의미

동사 형태
1.c1To lift someone or something up to a higher position or rank, sometimes more than they really deserve.
The talented young musician was elevated to the position of concertmaster, surpassing more experienced players.
The CEO's exceptional leadership skills elevated the company to new heights of success.
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2.c1To raise something or place it higher.
She used a ladder to elevate the painting and hang it on the wall.
The platform was designed to elevate the speaker so that everyone could see and hear.
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3.To lift or move something to a higher position or level.
Adding more weights to your workout routine will elevate the intensity and help you build strength.
The new manager's innovative ideas will elevate the company's performance and boost its profitability.
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4.To lift someone's spirits or make them feel happier.
Listening to upbeat music can elevate your mood and make you feel happier.
Spending time in nature has been proven to elevate people's moods and reduce stress.
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Word of the day

21 May 2024



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elevate (verb)

Word of the day

21 May 2024



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