영어에서 gender-neutral 의 정의와 의미

UK/ˌdʒendə ˈnjuːtrəl/
US/ˌdʒendər ˈnuːtrəl/
1.The term gender-neutral, as an adjective, means something that can be used or enjoyed by both men and women equally, without favoring one over the other. It does not distinguish between males and females, treating them as equals.
The company implemented a gender-neutral dress code, allowing employees to wear any attire they prefer.
The school introduced gender-neutral restrooms to ensure inclusivity and comfort for all students.
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2.The term gender-neutral, as an adjective, means something that is not limited to either men or women, but includes both sexes.
The company implemented a gender-neutral dress code to promote inclusivity and equal treatment for all employees.
The school introduced gender-neutral restrooms to accommodate students of all gender identities.
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Word of the day

21 May 2024



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gender-neutral (adjective)

Word of the day

21 May 2024



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