Definition and meaning of elevate in English

Verb Forms
1.c1Nâng cao, Nâng lên, Nâng bậc (Đề cao vị trí, địa vị hoặc tầm quan trọng của ai/cái gì, thường cao hơn so với xứng đáng).
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2.c1Nâng cao, Nâng lên (Nâng một vật lên hoặc đặt một vật ở vị trí cao hơn).
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3.Nâng cao, Tăng cường (làm tăng mức độ của một thứ lên).
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4.Nâng cao tinh thần, làm cho ai đó cảm thấy hạnh phúc.
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Word of the day

29 April 2024



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Importance of Understanding Vocabulary in Learning English

When you're learning English, it's really important to understand the meaning of each word. It's a key part of getting to grips with the language and using it effectively. Knowing lots of words helps you speak with confidence and understand what you're reading better. Plus, it's the first step to really getting into the language.

Taking the time to learn vocabulary properly from the beginning is a great way to start learning a new language. As you get better, you'll become more confident reading and understanding things in other languages.